Health Services

Center for School Crisis Intervention & Assessment

Health Services


Working within the scope of the Positive Regard Network philosophy, the Health Services goal is to assist each student to maintain his or her optimum balance of wellness on the health spectrum in order to enhance readiness to learn. The nurses utilize distinct clinical knowledge to obtain homeostasis of the student and Positive Regard community. The nurses adhere to the Nurse Practice Act and the Standards of School Nursing Practice.

To best describe the philosophy of nursing within the Positive Regard Network the following is taken from “The Nature of Nursing” by V. Henderson.

"The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will, or knowledge. And to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible."(1969 International Council of Nurses, Geneva.)

The definition of health is taken from the World Health Organization as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

+ General Medical Information

Important Medical Information

+ DESE Screening Intervals

Screening Schedule

CS Nurses provide:

  • Height/Weight screenings - September - December

  • Vision screenings usually during January

  • Hearing screenings by U-Mass Center for Language and Speech - May/June
  • Scoliosis Screenings - September- December

If you wish your child to be exempt from any school screening , please notify the school nurse in writing and we will exclude your child from the screening. You will be notified of any abnormal findings.

+ Influenza

Massachusetts Department of Public Health recommends that all students be vaccinated with the influenza vaccine yearly. Please find information below.

The Flu: A Guide for Parents

La influenza: una guía para los padres

+ Immunization

Up-to-date immunizations are required by Massachusetts Public Health Dept. In order for children to attend school. Below is the 2019-2020 Immunization Schedule.

Massachusetts School Immunization Requirements 2019-2020